Upon payment has been made (Payment Complete). Automatically the author(s) of corresponding paper will accepted and agreed to the Registration Terms and Conditions. Please be informed that all authors must follow Registration Terms and Conditions defined below. This Terms and Conditions are made and places into several sites and letters. In the event of any discrepancy between all such versions, the Terms and Conditions shall prevail on the official website of the Glovento Conference Group.
Glovento reserves the rights, from time to time, to change and amend the Terms and Conditions of the Glovento Conference, without notifying the author.
For paper Submission and Publication in Glovento Conference Conferences:
- All Papers must be original and should not have been published in any form before or after the conference.
- All Authors and Co-authors are required to inform their respective Department Head/Principal/Guide about the paper submission to Glovento Conference Conferences.
- All Authors and Co-authors should accurately state their affiliations within the paper.
- The Organizing Committee may not accept papers submitted after the last registration date.
- Glovento Conference accepts each paper for conference publication after a review by two internal or external Glovento Conference Reviewers.
- Glovento Conference cannot add, modify, or delete any author's or co-author's name within the paper after paper registration without the permission of all authors and co-authors mentioned in the paper.
- Glovento Conference will not publish any unregistered paper.
- Glovento Conference is not responsible for identifying the original author or co-author of the paper. The person who submits the paper will be considered the original author.
- If Glovento Conference receives a complaint about the originality of the author and it is found to be true, the paper will be immediately suspended from publication.
- Glovento Conference cannot republish or distribute any suspended paper from the date of suspension.
Attending Glovento International Conferences:
- All participants must register before attending the conference by paying the specified registration fee.
- All participants should regularly check the official Conference page for the latest information about the event.
- The Organizer reserves the right to change the venue and date at any time before the conference. If changes occur, all registered delegates will be informed via their registered email ID.
- Participants must not engage in any form of violence inside or outside the venue, before or after the event.
- Participants should carry their original ID card when attending the Conference; otherwise, they will not be allowed to attend.
- In case of a shortage of Conference KIT, Glovento Conference may not provide the participant KIT at the time of the Conference. In such cases, Glovento Conference will send the Conference KIT via Cargo/Courier after the Conference.
- Participants arriving after the reporting time at the venue will not be permitted to participate in the conference, and no refunds will be issued.
- Glovento Conference will not be responsible for any financial losses incurred due to ticket cancellations or bookings by registered participants if the conference is canceled or rescheduled to another location or date at any time.
- If an author decides not to attend the conference and cancels their registration, no refunds will be issued.
- Glovento Conference reserves the right not to refund any money to registered authors or co-authors who attend the conference, accept publication, and certificates during or after the conference.
Publication in International Journals:
- Glovento Conference has the exclusive right to select papers from the conference for publication in International Journals.
- Publication in Scopus, Web of Science Indexed, or any associated Journal: Glovento Conference may submit a paper to International Journals indexed in Scopus or WoS upon the written request of the author. In such cases, the author will be responsible for covering the entire publication cost as specified by the particular journal. The review and publication process may take 3 to 10 months.
- Payments made for attending Glovento Conference conferences will not be refunded if the registered paper is not selected for any Scopus or Web of Science Indexed journal or if the author chooses not to publish in any Glovento Conference associated International Journal after the conference.
- Glovento Conference may accept papers from its conferences or associated conferences for publication in Glovento Conference associated International Journals after an extension of at least 20% by the authors.
- Glovento Conference requires a minimum of 25 to 60 days to complete the Round-2 review process for Glovento Conference associated International Journals (DOAJ, Google Scholar, CrossRef Indexed) after the conference.
- All Glovento Conference associated International Journals are approved by the ISSN & DOI.
- Participants arriving after the reporting time at the venue will not be permitted to participate in the conference, and no refunds will be issued.
- The Editorial board has the right to reject any paper for publication in the International Journal after the 2nd round of Review (After Conference/seminar). If a paper is rejected, no registration fee paid for conference registration will be refunded.
Plagiarism Policy:
- All research papers submitted for publication are subject to plagiarism checks using detection software (Turnitin/iThenticate) to verify their originality and determine the similarity percentage of the research paper. Papers that do not meet the specified criteria are returned to the author for revisions.
- If plagiarism is detected in a research paper just before publication, the author will have the opportunity to resubmit the paper after making the necessary modifications as suggested by the editor. However, if the editor deems plagiarism a significant issue, the paper will not be considered for publication.
- If plagiarism or fake identity is suspected or detected in a research paper after publication, the paper will be temporarily removed from the website for verification. If only a few paragraphs are plagiarized, the author will be given the chance to modify the published paper, subject to the editor's approval.
- However, if Glovento Conference determines that plagiarism or fake identity is a major issue in a published paper, and it seriously violates the copyright of others, the paper will remain removed from publication. The author will be penalized and blacklisted from Glovento Conference and other Conference Organizers for a lifetime. Additionally, this information will be posted on the journal website, and indexing services will be notified of the removal.
- Authors republishing their previously published work (self-plagiarism) will be handled according to the procedure mentioned above.
- Glovento Conference is registered under "Glovento Conference Private Limited, CIN: U62011OD2023PTC042487" under Section 2(68) of the Companies Act, 2013.
- Glovento Conference is an independent organization with the sole purpose of promoting scientific and academic research activities globally.
- Glovento Conference is not affiliated with any university.
- The Editorial Board members are not employees of Glovento Conference.
- Glovento Conference has the right to cancel the registration at any time and withdraw the publication if any participants or delegates violate Glovento Conference's rules and regulations, and necessary action will be taken immediately.
- Glovento Conference reserves the right to publish, withdraw, or modify papers from conference proceedings or journals at any time.
- All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India