Where can I submit my paper to Glovento Conference?
Submission methods can be found at the conference official website or you can send your research paper to mail@glovento.com
Where can I find the Sample paper template?
You can find the paper template from the conference official website.
What is the length of Oral Paper Presentation/ poster presentation?
Each Technical Presentation is 10-15 Minutes including 5 minutes for Questions &Discussions. Please come to the session room with your laptop or pen drive having your presentation file.
Is there a Poster Paper Presentation Session?
Yes, the Poster Papers are included in the Poster Presentation Sessions and Conference Proceedings. The maximum poster size is 36 inches wide by 48 inches high (3 ft. x 4 ft.). You must provide your own printout of the poster itself. You are requested to set up your poster in the morning prior to the Opening ceremony and remove it at the end of the session.
When can I get the receipt of conference registration fees?
The receipt for conference registration is issued at the registration desk on conference day.
How can I be a member of the Glovento Research Organization?
For Membership in Glovento., send us the CV/Resume with your pass photo to mail@glovento.com, your application will be processed in 3 working days.
How can I be a committee of Glovento?
Send your resume to mail@glovento.com; your application will be processed in 3 working days.
How can I organize a conference in association with the Glovento Research Organization?
Prospective conference organizer should contact Glovento to receive the approval for the conference. If the conference proposal is approved by Glovento, the conference organizer should provide the title, topics and program committee members of the conference. The conference organizer is exempt from the conference registration fees.
How can I get an official Invitation Letter for Visa to attend the conference?
Invitation letter is provided on request by registered authors or other registered participants. Glovento Official letter of invitation will be provided as a soft copy via e-mail posting and will make reasonable effort to help authors to get the VISA. The visa process generally takes a month, and the authors should take care of their own applications. Glovento won't guarantee the potential authors can obtain the VISA, and won't refund the registration fee after the deadline.
Should I stay at the conference hotel?
No, You need not stay at the conference hotel. For proper or cheaper accommodation options, you are free to search hotel booking websites.
Do you arrange accommodation and traveling services for the conference participants?
No, the conference participants should arrange their own accommodation and traveling services.
In which Journal my paper will be published?
Your Paper will be published in various Issues of Glovento associated International Journals according to your research field.
How can I make payment to the registration fees?
You can make payment the registration fees by online payment through credit or debit card/Bank transfer. You can find the online payment mode from the conference official website or Acceptance letter.
What can I do if the online payment failed?
If you have any problem regarding the online payment then you can make payment the registration fees by electronic transfer or cash deposit please contact our conference coordinator.